Rather than relegating climate issues to instrumental methods such as reducing our energy or carbon emissio...
reportOct 10, 2023
Modern industrial society has overcome many challenges through technology, but it has also ruined our natur...
reportOct 05, 2023
Now in its fourth year, the Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism (hereinafter Seoul Biennale), focus...
Such attempts by NAMELESS Architecture continue to evoke the strategies of Minimal Art. In a broader contex...
reportSept 13, 2023
To capture the relationship between two objects, we must first look to their limits. Boundaries are defined...
reportSept 06, 2023
SPACE September 2023 (No. 670) The site is located where mountains and the village meet, ...
projectSept 05, 2023
SPACE September 2023 (No. 670) What relationship exists between the natural and the artificial?...
projectSept 04, 2023
The winners of the 41st Seoul Architecture Award have been announced. In this yearʼs competition, ther...
newsSept 01, 2023
A new Jinju National Museum will be established.
newsAug 29, 2023
The winning design of ¡®MEDI-SCAPEʼ by HAEAHN Architecture + design camp moonpark dmppartners proposes ...
newsSept 22, 2023