SPACE Academia International Open Call for Papers
SPACE Academia – a research department for architectural theory overseen by the monthly journal SPACE (listed on A&HCI) – has opened their call for papers and proposals for special issues. A research theme will be proposed by SPACE Academia every three months. We invite all researchers to open up new horizons within the study of architecture and urbanism.
The first theme proposed by Mann-Young Chung, the chief editor of SPACE Academia, reflects on the role of ¡®The New¡¯ in 21st-century architecture. Papers must be edited in accordance with SPACE Academia¡¯s policy and submitted via email by 28 August 2025. Peer reviews will be conducted by three chief editors of SPACE Academia. One submission will be selected and offered the option to publish with SPACE, with submission and publication fees waived.
Non-thematic submissions can be made at any time in accordance with the Academia Policy.
SPACE ACADEMIA OPEN CALL 01 - The New: Latency in 21st-Century Architecture
- Theme: The New: Latency in 21st-Century Architecture
- Theme Explanation
The New: Latency of 21st-Century Architecture
What is the status of ¡°the new¡± in 21st-century architecture? The conditions that lead to novelty or creativity involve a shift from the familiar to the unusual, from the universal to the singular. In the past, the concept of the new was often bound to a dualistic framework, where the talk of the new immediately returned to the old. The passage from Ecclesiastes (1:9–10), ¡°There is nothing new under the sun,¡± reflects an understanding that the new is always derived from the old, predictable patterns or rules.
Recent architectural thought, however, seems to have moved away from this logic of transformation, which simply rearranges what already exists in a new way. Re-examining the status of the new at various layers, where properties not founded in physical components emerge, is part of the theoretical prerequisite for unfolding the latency of 21st-century architecture. While also inviting other interpretations, this emergence is offered here as a key clue of approaching this call.
(written by Mann-Young Chung)
- Eligibility: Any researcher from architecture and related fields
- Reviewer: Three chief editors of SPACE Academia
• Mann-Young Chung (Seoul National University of Science and Technology), Sung Hong Kim (University of Seoul), Sanghun Lee (Konkuk University)
- Review Duration: About 30 days after the deadline
- Selection: One submission will be selected to be published in SPACE (listed on A&HCI) and with the submission and publication fees waived.
- Submission Deadline: August 28, 2025
- Submission Method: Email (
- Inquiries:
* All matters unspecified here follow the Academia Policy by default (downloadable from