No. 684
Kim Bokyoung / Journey Towards a New Life for Architecture: BCHO Partners / FEATURE / PHASE 4: ALTERATION / architecture / 120 / FEATURE, project, essay, phase 4, alteration, Thomas Heatherwick, Heatherwick Studio, Nodeul Island, Little Island, Soundscape, public, private, Seoul, New York, performance, festival /
No. 683
Park Taewon x Kim Bokyoung / Between Destiny and Skepticism: Chung Isak + a.co.lab archit / RELAY INTERVIEW / I AM AN ARCHITECT / architecture / 118 / relay interview, I am an architect, Park Taewon, ARUP, New Murabba Stadium, Zero Lingual, Pavilion O, Korean Pavilion Ieum, London, Royal College of Art /
No. 682
sowayo architects / Lee Jinhyuk x Kim Bokyoung / Everyday Triviality: bus architects / RELAY INTERVIEW / 126 / relay interview, I am an architect, Lee Jinhyuk, sowayo architects, Chuangtzu, Free and Easy Wandering, Cut And Fill, renovation, Exfoliate, Hyochang Park /
No. 682
Kim Bokyoung / Everyday Triviality: bus architects / REPORT / architecture / 118 / REPORT, Performative Home: Architecture for Alternative Living, Investigating the Archetypal Korean Apartment Layout, single house, building a house, apartment, shared, residence, 4 do 3 chon, Chung Dahyoung, Ko Jaehyub, Chon Jaewoo /