No. 662
Jae K. Kim / Public, Memory, and Place: When to Summon Abandoned Places / PROJECT / architecture / 068 / Architecture, pavilion, Jinju, Jae K. Kim, traditional architecture, Koreanity, technology, wooden structure, post-and-lintel structure, augmented reality, nugak, tree /
No. 662
T2P Architects Office / Public, Memory, and Place: When to Summon Abandoned Places / PROJECT / architecture / 036 / T2P Architects Office, shared residence, Shared Residence Hanazono, Japan, Osaka, nagaya, accommodation, stay, wooden structure, slanted roofs /
No. 661
On architects / Jung Woongsik / Universal Vocabulary-Distinctive Architecture: On architects / FRAME / ESSAY / architecture / 096 / Jung Woongsik, On architects, mature architecture, NONSPACE, C5S, Mimmim, Cliff House, Point, NOXON, Close House, Open House /
No. 661
On architects / Jung Woongsik / Universal Vocabulary-Distinctive Architecture: On architects / FRAME / PROJECT / architecture / 090 / Jung Woongsik, On architects, Mimmim, accommodation, pool villa, Ulju, Ulsan, space in space, grid structure /