No. 633
Bang Yukyung / Flexible Boundary, Permeated Realm: Hyunjoon Yoo / REPORT / architecture / 46 / glamping, pavilion, Glam Tree Resort, camping, leisure facility, mountain, nature, ArchiWorkshop /
No. 630
Hwayeon Nam / Cohabitation and Solitude: FHHH FRIENDS / ART PRISM / TALK / art / 114 / Art Sonje Center, Hwayeon Nam, Mind Stream, Seung-hee Choi, archive, performance, performative moment, Larger than Life /
No. 630
MIA Design Studio / Cohabitation and Solitude: FHHH FRIENDS / REPORT / architecture / 100 / MIA Design Studio, Nguyen Hoang Manh, Vietnam, Sky House, Terrace, Water Space, Nature, House, Void, Landscape /
No. 628
Lee Sungje / Architecture as a Background of Daily Life: Leeon Architects / ART PRISM / EXHIBITION / art / 98 / time, temporality, Roman Opalka, Koo Bohnchang, Bae Namkyung, Jung Jaeho, Lee Manna, Hong Heeryung, Seoul National University Museum of Art, SNU MoA /
No. 626
Kim Dongjin / A Space that Generates Stories: Kim Dongjin / FRAME / Project / architecture / 76 / Kim Dongjin, L¡¯EAU design, Self Stack_ Flow & Stay, flow, stay, stack, Gangnam-gu, single house /