No. 673
UIA / Wee Jinbok / Data Center: New Architectural Typology Faced with Challenge / PROJECT / architecture / 50 / PROJECT, Wee Jinbok, UIA, FRONT, facade, banner, neighbourhood living facility, Hongdae, commercial street, club street, signage /
No. 673
Jin Keojin / Jin Keojin / Data Center: New Architectural Typology Faced with Challenge / PROJECT / architecture / 42 / PROJECT, Jin Keojin, Pusan National University, Iruje House, Yongin, single house, courtyard, wall, basement, sunken garden, lightwell /
No. 673
Pezo von Ellrichshausen / Mauricio Pezo, Sofia von Ellrichshausen / Data Center: New Architectural Typology Faced with Challenge / PROJECT / architecture / 22 / PROJECT, Luna House, Pezo von Ellrichshausen, Mauricio Pezo, Sofia von Ellrichshausen, Chille, nature, architecture, concrete, relationships, geometry, house, gallery /
No. 672
Kim Jeoungeun / 57th Anniversary Edition / REPORT / architecture / 136 / REPORT, David Chipperfield, Pritzker Architecture Prize, Pritzker Prize, Amorepacific headquarters, K-Project, Neues Museum, Museo Jumex, James-Simon-Galerie /
No. 672
Kim Jeongim, Yoon Seunghyun, Lim Yookyoung, Cho Yoonhee / 57th Anniversary Edition / FEATURE / ROUNDTABLE / architecture / 126 / FEATURE, design competition, public building, Kim Jeongim, Yoon Seunghyun, Lim Yookyoung, Cho Yoonhee, competition system, design change, invited competition, negotiated contract /