No. 555
Kong Chul / Resurrection of the DMZ Peace Park / Frame / CRITIQUE / architecture / 52~53 /
Kwak Heesoo, Chung Mannyoung / Resurrection of the DMZ Peace Park / Frame / Dialogue / architecture / 36~43 /
No. 549
PHILLIP ARCHITECTS / Kwak, Heesoo., Park, Junghyun / Architectural Education in Korea, Advancing towards a Better / Critique+ / architecture / 94~99 /
No. 538
Architecture SIE + Jung, Sujin / Lee, Eunseok + Kwak, Heesoo / Designing an Architectural Process / Critique / architecture / 68~73 /
No. 537
Kwak, Youngjin / Examining the New Seoul City Hall / Architecture through the / Column / Etc. / 4~7 /