No. 638
Choi Wonjoon / The Path Ahead for the Korean Museum of Urbanism and Archite / FEATURE / IDEA PROPOSAL / architecture / 82 / Korean Museum of Urbanism and Architecture, Museum Complex, museum, Sejong, idea proposal, exhibition, Choi Wonjoon, history, Permanent Exhibition, Temporary Exhibition /
No. 638
Yoon Wonhwa / The Path Ahead for the Korean Museum of Urbanism and Archite / COLUMN / Exhibition Space / etc. / 22 / column, Yoon Wonhwa, Exhibition Space, entrance of exhibition, Shindoh Art Space /
No. 637
Carlos Mínguez Carrasco, Lee Sujy, Chae Jeongwon / Unboxing, Urban Design Concept and Plan for 3rd Generation N / REPORT / urban / 26 / Sweden, Stockholm, ArkDes, Kiruna Forever, Exhibition, City, Arctic, Archive, Heritage, Curator /
No. 635
Han Seungjae, Kim Sejoong, Han Joowon / A Residential Space that Evokes a Sense of Community: a roun / REPORT / design / 100 / FHHH FRIENDS, Han Seungjae, COM, Kim Sejoong, Han Joowon, JTBC, Hongdae, Furniture, Remodeling /
No. 635
Park Changhyun / Suh Jaewon / A Residential Space that Evokes a Sense of Community: a roun / FRAME / CRITIQUE / architecture / 68 / Park Changhyun, a round architects, community, residential, neighborhood, critic /