No. 637
Pierre-Paul Zalio / Unboxing, Urban Design Concept and Plan for 3rd Generation N / REPORT / architecture / 36 / grandes écoles, ENS, Paris, France, School, Education, Pierre-Paul Zalio, Seungduk Kim, Renzo Piano /
No. 637
Carlos Mínguez Carrasco, Lee Sujy, Chae Jeongwon / Unboxing, Urban Design Concept and Plan for 3rd Generation N / REPORT / urban / 26 / Sweden, Stockholm, ArkDes, Kiruna Forever, Exhibition, City, Arctic, Archive, Heritage, Curator /
No. 637
Park Sunwoo / Unboxing, Urban Design Concept and Plan for 3rd Generation N / REPORT / architecture / 22 / Park Sunwoo, K-ARTS, Architectural Structure, Architecture Education, Safety, Class, School, University, Model, Book /
No. 637