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No. 639
Jung Jidon / Coinciding, deliberating, or deferring: NAMELESS Architectur / COLUMN / Space (non)Fiction / etc. / 14 / column, nonfiction, Jung Jidon, alley, memory, ruin, rupture, destruction, migration /
No. 639
No. 638
Hyon-Sob Kim / The Path Ahead for the Korean Museum of Urbanism and Archite / SERIES / RE-VISIT SPACE / 124 / SERIES, Hyon-Sob Kim, Park Junghyun, Suh Jaewon, Cho Hyunjung, RE-VISIT, SPACE, SPACE GROUP OF KOREA BUILDING, SPACE Building, Kim Swoo Geun, Kim Wonsuk, Womb Space, spiral staircase, ondol room, /