No. 649
Jung Jidon / When Reactions Become Action: MASS STUDIES / COLUMN / SPACE (NON)FICTION / etc. / 24 / column, nonfiction, Jung Jidon, space, Kracauer, Those Who Wait, The Office Workers, waiting room /
No. 648
Jung Jidon / A Question for Architecture During Climate Crisis / COLUMN / SPACE (NON)FICTION / etc. / 30 / column, nonfiction, Jung Jidon, space, Weirdcore, Liminal Space, haunted space, uncertainty /
No. 647
Jung Jidon / The Journey to Reach That PLACE: The Church of Our Lady of t / COLUMN / SPACE (NON)FICTION 8 / etc. / 24 / column, nonfiction, Jung Jidon, space, Paul Otlet, Mundaneum, Le Corbusier, Internet, Karel Teige /
No. 646
Jung Jidon / Meticulous Programming, Evolving Architecture: SKM Architect / COLUMN: SPACE (NON)F / etc. / 24 /
No. 645
Jung Jidon / Virtual Ground / Architecture Created with a Spatiotemporal / COLUMN / SPACE (NON)FICTION 8 / etc. / 16 / column, nonfiction, Jung Jidon, space, commute, distance, traffic jam, kickboard, mobility, transportation /